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Aug 1, 2022

You may have heard about intermittent fasting, but what is it exactly? 

With so many celebrities and prominent fitness gurus practicing it, You may be asking yourself, “Should I be doing this? Is this the secret to fitness that I’ve been missing?”

We’re going to answer those questions and more in our...

Jul 11, 2022

Have you ever been stuck in a vicious cycle of unhealthy habits, and been unsure of how to get out? Because, same.

Let Andrew Wade show you how to flip that cycle on its head and start the ball rolling towards a cycle of HEALTHY, positive habits. We call it: The Prolific Cycle.

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Jan 2, 2022

What can you learn about weight loss from a body builder's nutrition plan?

Ever wonder how a body builder diets for a show?

Jeremiah Rowe, head strength coach at Case Specific Athletics has been competing in body building shows since college, but it wasn't until he sought out the help from a nutrition expert that he...